Thursday, March 20, 2008

Prayer Request!

Well, as we head into Easter weekend, there are several events scheduled.

Please lift them up in prayer, won't you?

Friday Night: Showing of The Passion movie. This will be neat, as we will show it on the beach.

Saturday Night: Sambi Fest ("Sambi" is "Praise" in Japanese) This will be a night of playing worship, meeting new folks and sharing the Word.

In addition to the regular a.m. service, we will have a special W2: it will be at the beach, so we can have some baptisms.

One other request: is for our family's health.
The past 5 weeks has seen 1) Emi's chickenpox, followed by 2) Mika's chickenpox, and now by 3) Emi's stomach virus (which she is still recovering from).

Please pray that no one else would catch this virus, as we need to wait 2 weeks to have our health insurance again (when the new school year begins).

We would appreciate your prayers!

1 comment:

Melissa's Life said...

Hey Dan and Debe,

It was great getting to know you all.. I will miss you all very much :)Thanks Dan for all your great teachings... Give Emi and Mika a big hug from me ..Love you all..Continue to do the Lord's work ...
