So today was Debe's birthday.
This year she turns...well, let's just say she
is another year older, but not as old as me!
To celebrate, we went on a date (a rarity with a toddler -- Debe's mom was kind enough to watch Emi).
We went to a restaurant called "Daikon no Hana".

What is interesting about this restaurant is: It is
tabehoudai, which means "all you can eat", which is great! However, there is no meat. It is all vegetables. No beef. No chicken. Not even fish. Okay, there was a
little sirloin in one dish. A true vegetarian's delight, I'm sure. It did all taste good though!
Afterwards we went to see the Pirates of the Caribbean 2, which Debe had wanted to see. We enjoyed it, but didn't care for the ending...
Happy Birthday Debe!