Yesterday was planned to be a simple quiet day spent in our local area. We ran a few errands, and then returned to a car that would not start. No, it was not the battery, but the starter. As our van is 18 years old, finding parts for it is not easy. One other problem: We needed it fixed before Wednesday as we were going camping over the Thanksgiving break.
I rejected the first garage's offer of 35,000 yen (about $400). The second guy was too busy to get to it, but recommended Zakimi Auto Service. I was apprehensive; it was getting late and tomorrow was Sunday.
Although it was now 4:30 in the evening, I was assured that my car would be fixed and ready by 6:00. I was then offered a ride home, stopping first at the library to pick up my wife and kids. At 5:59, my van was brought to my home; not only fixed, but vacuumed inside and washed outside. Finally, they would not take any money from me, but requested that I stop by on Monday to settle. It was just 10,000 yen, but I was reminded of one reason I love Japan-- incredible service!
Jesus taught His followers to "Love others as I have loved you" (John 13). By doing this, "Others will know you are my followers." If I could be so easily impressed with auto service, how much more could we impress others if we truly served them? Just something to think about.