Well one thing about Japan, they really do try to be punctual. Do you know that they delivered the package the very same day (12/31) at about 8 pm? It was a blessed way to end the year. Thank you HCC!
But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with each other- I Jn 1:7
It is amazing how fast time goes by! As we enter our 7th year in
This past year has seen several changes. I realized this acutely at our Thanksgiving Service. After the message, Pastor Tom asked if anyone wanted to share what they were thankful for. Many people shared and as I thought about the past year that was when I realized just how much God had blessed us. God has provided us with:
Actually, it seems like every area of our life has been blessed – God sure is good!
This is a first for her, so she is a little nervous (Dan gets nervous too, but doesn’t like to admit it). However, despite any nerves or doubts we just trust God to use the abilities we have or to empower us with added ability at the time it is needed. Really, we should always be trusting in His power instead of ours anyway.
Please pray for Dan as he prepares 1 or 2 messages a week. Also pray for Debe as she steps out in faith to handle the translating. And please pray for us both as we continue to study the very complex and difficult Japanese language.
Future goals include renting a space to open a coffee house. While there are several spaces available, some people do not care to rent to foreigners. Others do not like the idea of anything “religious”. There are several cults in
Aloha in Christ,
Dan & Debe Pallmann